Young people of the Molonglo Valley helped convene the monthly Molonglo Valley Community Forum (MVCF) meeting on Thursday 17 June 2021. Students from Year 6 Charles Weston School Coombs chaired the meeting.
All community members were invited to attend and share ideas on how to make the Molonglo Valley better for young people of all ages. The attendees participated in a small group activity.
The activity’s objective was to inform the Forum and the community of any opportunities, improvements, or ideas regarding community, liveability and accessibility for young people living in the Molonglo Valley.
Thank you to the community members who participated and to the students from Charles Weston School Coombs.
Thanks to Dr Marisa Paterson MLA and Minister Emma Davidson MLA for being part of the discussions and answering questions. Thanks to Mrs Giulia Jones MLA for watching online and meeting with the students at the end.
We have compiled a document from the meeting which will assist in informing our advocacy and discussions with the ACT Government on how to preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing of the Molonglo Valley and its community.
Our next meeting is on Thursday 15 July at the usual time of 7:30pm in the library at Charles Weston School Coombs. Simon Tennent, Suburban Land Agency – Molonglo Development Director, will be presenting on the Coombs and Wright Village Framework.