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Molonglo Valley Community Forum

In late 2020, several Molonglo Valley residents came together to form the Molonglo Valley Community Forum (MVCF) – a non-political and secular group with the objective to preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing of the Molonglo Valley and its community.

The Molonglo Valley District is growing and developing rapidly, with over 55,000 people expected to be living in the region within the decade. This presents many opportunities and challenges, and residents felt a need for a dedicated community group representing the region.

On 11 February 2021, a motion was passed in the ACT Legislative Assembly calling for the ACT Government to support establishing a new community council for the Molonglo Valley District. The MVCF is the Molonglo Valley Community Council’s trading name, which will officially become a community council on 1 July 2021.

Molonglo Valley District

The Molonglo Valley District includes the suburb of Coombs, Denman Prospect, Molonglo, Whitlam, Wright and all future suburbs in the Molonglo Valley.

The district is located south of William Hovell Drive, west of Tuggeranong Parkway, north of Cotter Road and north of Mount Stromlo.

The Molonglo Valley District encompasses the National Arboretum, Stromlo Forest Park and part of the magnificent Molonglo River.

Our Priorities


Safety and equity
Social services


Residential, commercial and
retail development Environment


Transport services
Disability access

Our Committee

We have a volunteer committee oversees the Forum.

Our committee consists of:

  • Ryan Hemsley – Convenor
  • Monique Brouwer – Co-Convenor
  • Hassan Riaz – Treasurer
  • Karen Collins
  • Sharyn Macrae
  • Naveen Mukkelli
  • Tom Ada
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