Thank you to all the community members who joined us last night in person or online to discuss the proposed Coombs Oval fence and unpack the Molonglo Group Centre Technical Amendment plans.
We apologise for the streaming issues and have included a link to the presentation and speaking notes below.
Thank you to our speakers for the evening:
If you have comments on the proposed Coombs Oval fence you can provide comments or feedback by email to by close of business on Monday 2 May 2022.
For comments about the Technical Amendment, email by Friday 6 May 2022.
Alternatively, email the MVCF your feedback/comments 48 hours prior to the above deadlines at
Presentation slides from the meeting
Ryan’s speaking notes
Apologies for the poor recordings
Video recording of the meeting part 1
Video recording of the meeting part 2
Video recording of the meeting part 3
Our next meeting will be on Thursday 26 May 2022 at the usual time of 7:30pm at the Denman Village Community Centre.